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Support the HR organization with optimizing and prioritizing their work.
Contains: 2 PowerPoints, 1 Word Document, 2 Excel Tools
What HR trends are making waves in 2024?
Contains: 1 PDF Document
How HR leaders can navigate uncertainty and prepare their HR function for the future.
Contains: 2 PowerPoints, 1 Word Document, 1 PDF Document
Cut through the noise and find clarity on your organization’s path forward.
Focus HR resources where they will have the greatest organizational impact. Download McLean & Company's research to develop a people strategy.
Contains: 5 PowerPoints, 4 Word Documents, 3 Excel Tools, 1 PDF Document
Think critically about how to manage costs to be well positioned to ensure organizational budgetary goals are achieved.
Contains: 2 PowerPoints, 2 Word Documents, 2 Excel Tools
Is a fundamental shift toward a skills-based talent sharing model using a talent marketplace platform right for your organization?
Contains: 7 PDF Documents, 5 Videos
Adapt HR programs to meet regional needs while maintaining alignment with organizational objectives.
Contains: 5 PowerPoints, 3 Word Documents, 3 Excel Tools
Proactively prepare the organization’s talent for the risks of tomorrow by uncovering HR initiatives to implement today.
Contains: 5 PowerPoints, 2 Word Documents, 3 Excel Tools, 1 PDF Document, 1 Video
Navigate people-related activities throughout the mergers and acquisitions process.
Contains: 1 PowerPoint, 3 Excel Tools
Boost HR’s role in both preparing for and responding to crises.
Contains: 6 PowerPoints, 8 Word Documents, 5 Excel Tools
Times of crisis put leadership to the test. The window for initial action is small – be planful rather than giving in to knee-jerk reactions.
Contains: 4 PowerPoints, 4 Word Documents, 6 Excel Tools
Ensure executive leadership and managers have the direction on best-practice tactics to effectively manage layoffs.
Contains: 6 PowerPoints, 7 Word Documents, 8 Excel Tools
Prepare to gather feedback on organizational leaders' needs and priorities to improve HR’s effectiveness through strategic alignment.
Contains: 1 PowerPoint, 2 Excel Tools
Prepare to implement the HRMG diagnostic and create an action plan to improve core HR functions.
Contains: 2 PowerPoints, 2 Excel Tools
Build evidence-based HR practices that work with the brain, not against it, to gain credibility with stakeholders and drive business results.
Contains: 2 PowerPoints, 1 PDF Document
View all 33 Research Notes
View all 73 Tools & Templates
View all 11 Videos
View all 22 Storyboards
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