Tagged - interview

Job Rotation Interview Guide and Assessment Template

Use this template to facilitate panel interviews of job rotation applicants.

Candidate Experience Service-Level Agreement Template

Draft a service-level agreement with talent acquisition specialists and hiring managers to set timelines and procedures that everyone can agree to and that keep the...

Candidate Experience Best Practices Action Guide

Use this guide as a reference for candidate experience best practices and action steps to implement them.

Redesign the Candidate Experience Executive Briefing

Use this briefing to make the case for a candidate-centric acquisition process that exhibits the organization's unique value to the right talent.

Redesign the Candidate Experience Storyboard

Candidates have the power in today's competitive job market. Like consumers, they have choices and access to information about potential employers. An authentic, unique,...

Redesign the Candidate Experience

Changing workforce dynamics and digital access have shifted the power from employers to job seekers. Candidate expectations have escalated to match high consumer...
  • guided implementation icon

Case Studies: Redesign the Candidate Experience

Refer to these case studies for examples of redesigning the candidate experience.

Introducing Shazia Mazhar, Executive Advisor at McLean & Company

Shazia joined McLean & Company in September 2021 as an Executive Advisor. In this Q&A, Shazia talks about her background, what drew her to this role, and what challenges...

Candidate Experience Assessment Tool

Use this tool to assess which areas of the candidate experience need improvement.

Candidate Experience Project Charter

A project charter defines the project and lays the foundation for all subsequent project planning. It is a critical communication tool for the project purpose, scope, and...
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