Tagged - work life balance

Develop a Targeted Flexible Work Program

Create a customized flexible work program based on the unique needs of employees to attract and retain talent.
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Empathy Map Template

Use this template to develop an empathy map in order to synthesize employee thoughts, feelings, and needs.

Employee Experience Project Planning Template

Use this template to document employer and employee needs from the employee lifecycle.

Discovery Interview Guide

Use this guide to find interviewing tips and sample questions that can be used during discovery interviews to gain employee perspectives.

Journey Map Template

Use this template to develop a journey map that illustrates employees' perceptions, emotions, and needs experience through a specific work process.

Design the Employee Experience

Similar to their customer experiences, employees want an overall employee experience that fits more seamlessly into their lives. Organizations not only have to compete...
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Create a Holistic Employee Wellbeing Program

Employee wellbeing is critical for organizational success. To leverage your wellbeing program's full potential, ensure there is uptake and awareness among employees.
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Guide to Flexible Work for Managers and Employees

Use this tool to guide managers through the flexible work program.

Storyboarding Guide

Use this guide to understand the benefits of using prototyping methods like storyboarding to clarify processes, ideas, and visions.

Design Thinking Primer

Use this guide to gain an understanding of design thinking principles.
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