Tagged - understand financial statements

Training Deck: Business Acumen for HR Professionals

Train HR professionals to understand and apply the fundamentals of business acumen. Through understanding of the organization, its industry, operations, and financial...

Business Acumen for HR Professionals

Understand and apply the fundamentals of business acumen in the context of its relation to human resources. By gaining essential knowledge of the organization, its...
  • guided implementation icon

Case Studies: Business Acumen for HR Professionals

Refer to these case studies for examples of organizations that are building business acumen with employees.

Business Acumen Participant Handbook

Use the participant handbook as a takeaway guide for training participants to reference to during and after the Business Acumen for HR Professionals training session.

Business Acumen Case Study

Use this case study example to allow training participants to apply their knowledge of business acumen to a mock company's situation.

Business Acumen Day 1 Quiz

Use this quiz to assess the comprehension of core content from the first day of Business Acumen for HR Professionals training.

Business Acumen Day 2 Quiz

Use this quiz to assess the comprehension of core content from the second day of Business Acumen for HR Professionals training.
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