Tagged - termination

M&A High-Level Culture Assessment Tool

Use this tool to assess various aspects of your organization's culture as well as the acquired or target organization's culture.

Effectively Manage the People Aspects of Mergers and Acquisitions Storyboard

Use this job aid to ensure that key people-related M&A planning components are adequately addressed.

Effectively Manage the People Aspects of Mergers and Acquisitions

HR’s involvement is essential to address various people-related challenges that accompany mergers and acquisitions. Using a checklist will help HR to ensure that key M&A...
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M&A Terms and Conditions Inventory

Use this tool to evaluate the terms and conditions of both the acquiring and acquired organization, and select a target position for each term or condition.

HR Action and Communication Plan

Use this template to establish the actions and communications required to implement the project.

Progressive Discipline Policy

Use a progressive discipline framework to provide an effective way of sanctioning a range of undesirable workplace behaviors.

Develop an Offboarding Plan to Manage Risk and Transition Employees Effectively

Employee exits, whether voluntary or involuntary, are an inevitable part of conducting business. Few organizations have done enough to adequately prepare for short-notice...
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Develop an Offboarding Plan to Manage Risk and Transition Employees Effectively Executive Briefing

Use this briefing to make the case for offboarding by communicating the purpose and outcome of the project and gaining support from key stakeholders to invest in the program.

Develop an Offboarding Plan to Manage Risk and Transition Employees Effectively Storyboard

Employee departures, whether voluntary or involuntary, are an inevitable part of conducting business. Offboarding employees effectively will minimize risk, protect the...

Redeploy Your Workforce During a Crisis

Make the most of your workforce in a time of crisis by following McLean & Company’s process to initiate employee redeployment efforts and reduce costs.
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