Tagged - talent

Case Studies: Develop Core and Leadership Competencies

Refer to these case studies for examples of implemented comprehensive competency frameworks.

Workshop: Plan for High-Volume Recruitment

Use this workshop outline to complete a three-day workshop for the Plan for High-Volume Recruitment project.

Service-Level Agreement Template

Use this template to outline expectations and accountabilities for vendor/organization relationships.

Increase the Efficiency of the Talent Acquisition Process Executive Briefing

Use this briefing to make the case for a talent acquisition process focused on efficient and effective hiring.

Talent Acquisition Process Optimization Tool

Capture key information in one place as you work through optimization of the talent acquisition process.

Candidate Experience Assessment Tool

Use this tool to assess which areas of the candidate experience need improvement.

Candidate Experience Survey Questions Template

Use this template to design a survey that gathers feedback from unsuccessful candidates to optimize the candidate experience.

Candidate Experience Project Charter

A project charter defines the project and lays the foundation for all subsequent project planning. It is a critical communication tool for the project purpose, scope, and...
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