Use this job aid to find information on performance improvement plans, including stages, actions, and best practices.
Use these role play scenarios during training on improving poor performance in hybrid environments. These conversations give managers the opportunity to put their...
Use this worksheet to help employees analyze 360 Feedback results, and determine areas they can build upon and areas to address.
360 feedback incorporates the feedback of multiple raters to provide an employee with a holistic view of their behavior against core competencies related to their role.
Use this job aid to guide employees through their 360 feedback results and using this feedback to find areas to target with development efforts.
Use this workbook to document key information, decisions, and progress as you work through the Exit Survey Guide.
Use the Human Capital Management Data Quadrant Report to understand the entire vendor landscape and how vendors compare against each other on 11 features and 11 capabilities.
Use the Human Capital Management Emotional Footprint Report to understand the emotional footprint of working with different vendors in the market.
Engage McLean & Company facilitators to lead your team though creating a high-potential program in an workshop online.
View this webinar to develop an impactful high-potential program that helps retain valuable talent at your organization.