Tagged - talent assessment

Knowledge Transfer Job Aid

Use this tool to determine how to facilitate a transfer of knowledge between a role incumbent and a successor of a critical role.

Succession Plan Template

Use this template to record your organization's succession plan.

Design a High-Value Succession Planning Program Storyboard

Only 45% of HR professionals report that their organization has a succession plan. Of those, only 21% reported having a formal succession plan. (SHRM, 2021). Use this...

Tailor Succession Planning for Executive Roles

Use this resource to tailor succession planning for executive roles in order to effectively assess, identify, develop, and select executive successors.

Job Aid: Build an Emergency Succession Plan

Use this job aid for guidance when preparing an emergency succession plan.

Online Workshop: Develop an Impactful High-Potential Program

Engage McLean & Company facilitators to lead your team though creating a high-potential program in an workshop online.

Webinar: Grow the Talent You Need With a High-Potential Program

View this webinar to develop an impactful high-potential program that helps retain valuable talent at your organization.

High-Potential Program Workbook

Use this tool to capture key information and decisions when developing a high-potential program.

Case Studies: Develop an Impactful High-Potential Program

Refer to this case study for examples of high-potential programs.

Nomination Template

Use this template to nominate employees for the high-potential program.
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