From “kids these days” to “OK, boomer”: A critical examination of generations in the workplace and their practical implications.
Sustain WFH by creating a planned, integrated, and supported program that maximizes the benefits of flexibility while supporting both organizational and employee needs.
Many organizations are mandating that employees return to the office despite the popularity of remote and hybrid work and are facing employee backlash. Create and roll...
Increasing complexity, both inside organizations and in the external environment, is resulting in more challenging problems. To address these, different types of...
Create a customized flexible work program based on the unique needs of employees to attract and retain talent.
Similar to their customer experiences, employees want an overall employee experience that fits more seamlessly into their lives. Organizations not only have to compete...
Giving, asking for, receiving, and acting on feedback is an important organizational tool. Feedback enhances employee engagement, organizational innovation, the impact of...
Equip managers to intentionally leverage networks to encourage cross-functional collaboration where teams come together to partner, work on a common goal, and create...
Employees are now expecting flexibility with work. Many organizations recognize this desire and the benefits of hybrid work but often overlook the complexity and...
The pandemic introduced many to the importance of running meetings well, whether they are held in person, remotely, or in a hybrid delivery model. You have an opportunity...