Tagged - social

Standard PESTLE Analysis Template

Use this template to conduct a PESTLE analysis to guide the assessment of your external environment.

Employee Ambassador Program Details and Guidelines

Use this template to document and share your social media guidelines and ambassador program details.

Employee Ambassador Program Guide

Leverage the power of employee voice on social media.

Social Media Primer

Use this primer for information on popular, emerging and alternative social media platforms as well as background on social media management platforms (SMMPs).

Social Media Sourcing Guide

Use this guide to find advice on sourcing and recruiting candidates from industry experts to improve searching and response rate.

Develop a Social Media Plan for HR Executive Briefing

Use this briefing to make the case to your executives for an HR-specific social media strategy to unlock recruitment and employer branding potential.

Develop a Social Media Plan for HR Storyboard

Partnering with stakeholders will give HR the ability to promote the employer brand, leverage networks, and discover available talent on social media. Hone social media...

Case Studies: Develop a Social Media Plan for HR

Refer to these case studies for examples of using social media for HR.

HR Social Media Plan

Use this template to document social media goals, evaluate current social media practices, and record guidelines.

Social Media Metrics Tracking Tool

Use this tool to evaluate social media efforts and identify areas for improvement in posted content and across media channels by recording key metrics performance.
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