Unlock the potential of using multiple employee lifecycle diagnostics to inform data-driven HR priorities.
Use this presentation template to summarize the high-potential program to key stakeholders.
Use this template to present the organization’s retention plan to stakeholders.
Engage McLean & Company facilitators to lead your team through the Develop an Effective Talent Retention Plan workshop.
Use this tool to assist in the development of your internal talent mobility program by documenting the outcomes of activities and decisions throughout the project and...
Use this tool to document the components of the talent retention analysis, including calculating the cost of turnover.
Use this tool to calculate the cost of turnover.
Use this guide to help managers conduct conversations with employees to gain insights into their level of engagement, satisfaction with job responsibilities, and intent...
Use this template to help people managers navigate conversations with employees who have not been selected to participate in the high-potential program.
A hi-po program identifies high-potential employees, based on an organization’s unique definition of potential and purposefully selected assessments, and provides them...