Tagged - performance ratings
Types of Content
Training Deck: Equip Managers to Have Effective Performance Appraisal DiscussionsUse this training deck to conduct manager training sessions on performance appraisal discussions. Customize this training deck with your organization's internal processes... |
Handbook: Equip Managers to Have Effective Performance Appraisal DiscussionsUse the workbook as a guide for participants to reference during and after the Equip Managers to Have Effective Performance Appraisal Discussions training session. |
Equip Managers to Have Effective Performance Appraisal DiscussionsTalent is increasingly integral for organization’s success. Set up employees to succeed by equipping their managers with the tools to effectively manage performance... |
Feedback and Coaching GuideUse this guide to help managers provide practical two-way feedback and effective coaching for employees. |
Role Plays: Equip Managers to Have Effective Performance Appraisal DiscussionsUse these role play scenarios during training on effective performance appraisal conversations to give managers the opportunity to put their learning into action. |