Tagged - new hire

Hiring Policy

The hiring process is a potential employee's first exposure to your organization. The efficiency and quality of that process will permanently influence how they view the...

New Hire Business Case Template

Whether or not your organization utilizes a formal business case process in determining hiring needs, you will benefit from listing and considering factors that influence...

Probationary Period Policy

A new hire's first months on the job can make or break an employment relationship. A clear and comprehensive policy governing probationary period is crucial for managing...

Onboarding Policy

A new hire's first days of employment determine their first impression of the organization. A well-organized onboarding process helps ensure it is a positive one, driving...

Learning Map

Use this tool to guide organizational, departmental, and individual development activities to onboard new employees.

Webinar: Adapt Your Onboarding Process to a Virtual Environment

The COVID-19 pandemic has shifted much of the workforce to work from home, creating the need to adjust onboarding practices with virtual approaches on short notice. Watch...

Guide to Interpreting Your New Hire Survey Report

Use this guide to help you interpret your New Hire Survey Analysis Report from McLean & Company.

Guide to Navigating the McLean Connect Dashboard – New Hire Survey

Use this guide to navigate McLean Connect's dashboard for the New Hire Survey and interpret your survey results.

New Hire Survey Program Workbook

Use this workbook to document key information, decisions, and progress as you work through the New Hire Survey Guide.

New Hire Survey Guide Executive Briefing

Use this briefing to make the cast for gathering insights from job candidates and newly acquired employees.
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