Tagged - measures

Quality Assurance Analyst

The Quality Assurance Analyst's role is to develop and establish quality assurance standards and measures for the information technology services within the...

Employee Performance Measures Template

The Employee Performance Measures Template provides an all-in-one tool for tracking your departmental goals, employee performance measures, reporting requirements, and...

Facilitator Answer Key: Data Literacy for HR Professionals Module 2

Use this answer key to guide activities provided within the Data Literacy for HR Professionals Module 2 training deck.

Facilitator Answer Key: Data Literacy for HR Professionals Module 3

Use this answer key to guide activities provided within the Data Literacy for HR Professionals Module 3 training deck.

Facilitator Answer Key: Data Literacy for HR Professionals Module 1

Use this answer key to guide activities provided within the Data Literacy for HR Professionals Module 1 training deck.

Data Literacy Module 3 Quiz

Use this quiz to assess the comprehension of core content from the Data Literacy for HR Professionals Module 3 training.

Data Literacy Module 2 Quiz

Use this quiz to assess the comprehension of core content from the Data Literacy for HR Professionals Module 2 training.

Data Literacy Module 1 Quiz

Use this quiz to assess the comprehension of core content from the Data Literacy for HR Professionals Module 1 training.

Learning in Action – An Introduction to Using Data in HR

Use this one-pager learning reinforcement to summarize key points from the Data Literacy for HR Module 1 training deck.

Learning in Action – Foundational Data Literacy

Use this one-pager learning reinforcement to summarize key points from the Data Literacy for HR Module 2 training deck.
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