Tagged - learning

High-Potential Program Presentation Template

Use this presentation template to summarize the high-potential program to key stakeholders.

L&D Strategy Workbook

Use this tool to document and evaluate key information while building out the learning and development strategy.

People Manager Conversation Template: Unsuccessful High-Potential Candidates

Use this template to help people managers navigate conversations with employees who have not been selected to participate in the high-potential program.

High-Potential Program Communication Guide

Leverage this guide to determine what to communicate to different stakeholders impacted by the high-potential program.

Build Trust Self-Reflection Tool

Use this tool to reflect on the concept of trust when building relationships with leaders.

Build HR Influence Through Curiosity and a Coach Approach Infographic

Review this infographic to reflect on the key takeaways of the Build HR Influence Through Curiosity and a Coach Approach Learning Guide.

Building Organizational Awareness Tool

Leverage this tool reflect on your current organizational knowledge and identify how you want to continue to expand your business acumen.

L&D Strategy Presentation Template

Use this template to present the L&D strategy to stakeholders.

Tips for Managing a Hybrid Team

Use this resource to keep advice for hybrid people managers top of mind and accessible in the moment.

People Leadership in a Hybrid Environment Workbook

Use this workbook to capture key information and decisions while working through a plan for hybrid team leaders.
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