Tagged - leader

Integrated Leadership

The current rate of leadership failure is unsustainable. This is caused by poor decision making, an inability to develop followers, and a lack of adaptability. Such high...
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Negotiate with Empathy

Negotiating is often thought of negatively. However, negotiation helps us find common ground. Help managers negotiate with empathy to achieve objectives and strengthen...
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Train Managers in the Art of Decision Making

Leaders are failing to apply best practices when making decisions, instead they take an ad hoc approach that often does not achieve expected outcomes. Train managers to...
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Leadership Development Business Case Template

Develop an effective business case for a tailored approach to leadership development to gain executive buy-in and support.

Navigate Team Dynamics

Leaders are responsible for creating a team environment that allows team members to successfully achieve common goals. Help managers of all levels effectively navigate...
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Build Impactful Leadership Development Programs

Leadership is critical to organizational success. Highly effective leaders positively influence financial results and drive employee engagement. Changing workforce...
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Training Deck: Train Managers in the Art of Decision Making

Train leaders to become effective decision makers that can gain stakeholder buy-in, reduce bias, manage groupthink and analysis paralysis, and drive overall decision...

Leadership Development Template

Use this template to document key pieces during the creation of the leadership development plan.

Leadership Development Playbook

Use this tool to identify gaps in current learning content and map out a plan of action for designing an impactful leadership development program.

Leadership Development Program Cost-Benefit Analysis Tool

This tool is designed to help you calculate the hard costs and benefits of your leadership development program. The results of a comprehensive financial analysis will...
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