A hi-po program identifies high-potential employees, based on an organization’s unique definition of potential and purposefully selected assessments, and provides them...
The success of the 9-box is crucially dependent on the accuracy of the assessments used to plot talent on the grid, and the development opportunities it is used to...
Use this template to prepare managers to guide career conversations with their employees.
Use this template to create a guide for both employees and managers to help ensure the success of employee-driven career paths.
Use this template to record decisions on career moves and assess the alignment of HR practices.
Use this guide to prepare advertising collateral that highlights career moves to employees.
Use this tool to capture key information and decisions when developing a high-potential program.
Use this template to document career path project decisions.
A hi-po program purposefully identifies employees and provides them with targeted development. However, a lack of clarity around the hi-po definition leads to the wrong...
Use this job aid to select internal career paths to include in a career framework.