Tagged - l&d

Skills Inventory Tool

Use this tool to document the skills that exist in the workforce.

Webinar: CHRO Roundtable: 2021 Top Three HR Priorities: Talent Acquisition, Developing Leaders, Managing Labor Costs

Despite the immense change HR has experienced in 2020, the top three HR priorities have remained the same year over year. Our expert panel shares their insights on Talent...

Webinar: Reimagine Learning in the Face of a Crisis

COVID-19 has had a major impact on the economy and on the way work is performed. As the pandemic continues, it is crucial not to cut off or neglect HR services such as...

HR Systems Process Owner Assignment Guide

Use this guide to to choose the right process owners and assign them to the right position.

Develop a Learning Technology Strategy Storyboard

Build a learning technology strategy on the foundation of corporate objectives and L&D goals by considering the four categories of learning technology: content, people,...

Learning Technology Strategy Preparation Questionnaire

Use this template to gather information from stakeholders that will inform the learning technology strategy.

Learning Technology Strategy Workbook

Use this tool to document and evaluate outcomes of the current state analysis while building out the learning technology strategy.

Learner Survey Guide

Use this template to create a user survey in order to gain a deeper understanding of learner traits.

Develop a Learning Technology Strategy

In today’s rapidly changing business environment, there is a significant need for ever more effective and flexible learning and development (L&D). Employees and leaders...
  • guided implementation icon

Develop a Learning Technology Strategy Executive Briefing

Use this briefing to make the case to your executives for a learning technology strategy that aligns organizational priorities, L&D strategy goals, and learning technology.
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