Tagged - HRIS

HRIS Primer

Use this primer for an overview of foundational HRIS concepts and knowledge.

HRIS Strategy Documentation Tool

Use this tool to document the results of project activities or to generate ideas for the activities themselves.

An Introduction to Data Literacy

This interactive eLearning module is the first in a series of three modules that target core principles of Data Literacy for HR Professionals. It is intended to interact...

LMS Download: An Introduction to Data Literacy

This interactive eLearning module is the first in a series of three modules that target core principles of Data Literacy for HR Professionals. It is intended to interact...

Select a Human Resources Information System

HR departments are increasingly lean and require more tasks to be automated by systems such as HRIS. Businesses are demanding more accurate and timely data from HR, along...
  • guided implementation icon

Case Studies: Select a Human Resources Information System

Refer to these case studies for examples of executed HRIS solutions.

HR Information System Use-Case Assessment Questionnaire

Use this template to develop use cases for the HRIS based on functional priorities.

Sample Vendor Reference Check Questions

Use this template to plan ahead when interviewing a vendor's references. Determine the suitability of the vendor by asking the right questions of its previous clients.

Select a Human Resources Information System Storyboard

Follow a structured and accelerated approach to procuring an HRIS solution, filling in knowledge gaps in an organized way that prepares you to make an informed decision.

Select a Human Resources Information System Executive Briefing

Use this briefing to make the case for procuring an HRIS solution to the executive team.
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