Tagged - HR

Manage Your HR Brand

A lot of HR’s work takes place behind the scenes which makes it harder for others to understand the value HR delivers to the organization. Collaborate with your HR team...
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Training Deck: Manage Your HR Brand

Improve HR perception and increase visibility of HR within your organization by creating and conveying a compelling HR brand.

Manage Your HR Brand Handbook

This handbook will allow participants to take notes and complete activities during the Manage Your HR Brand training.

Learning in Action: Manage Your HR Brand

Use this handout to remind learners of core concepts learned in the training Manage Your HR Brand.

Introducing Shazia Mazhar, Executive Advisor at McLean & Company

Shazia joined McLean & Company in September 2021 as an Executive Advisor. In this Q&A, Shazia talks about her background, what drew her to this role, and what challenges...

Prepare People Leaders for the Hybrid Work Environment Executive Briefing

Use this document to help make the case to your executive team for supporting people leaders in the shift to hybrid work.

People Leadership in a Hybrid Environment Workbook

Use this workbook to capture key information and decisions while working through a plan for hybrid team leaders.

Team Communication Guidelines Template

Use this template to create communication guidelines with that will support teamwork in a hybrid environment.

Tips for Managing a Hybrid Team

Use this resource to keep advice for hybrid people managers top of mind and accessible in the moment.

Prepare People Leaders for the Hybrid Work Environment

Employees are now expecting flexibility with work. Many organizations recognize this desire and the benefits of hybrid work but often overlook the complexity and...
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