Tagged - how to find employee experience

Design the Employee Experience

Similar to their customer experiences, employees want an overall employee experience that fits more seamlessly into their lives. Organizations not only have to compete...
  • guided implementation icon

Design the Employee Experience Storyboard

Design an employee experience that will keep your organization competitive in the talent landscape.

Design the Employee Experience Executive Briefing

Use this briefing to make the case to your executives to lead the organization through designing an employee experience that balances employer and employee needs.

Design Thinking Primer

Use this guide to gain an understanding of design thinking principles.

Storyboarding Guide

Use this guide to understand the benefits of using prototyping methods like storyboarding to clarify processes, ideas, and visions.

Case Studies: Design the Employee Experience

Refer to these case studies for examples of creating an employee experience to meet employee and employer needs.

Employee Experience Workbook

Use this tool to analyze data and begin the process of developing the key area(s) of focus for the employee experience initiative.

Discovery Interview Guide

Use this guide to find interviewing tips and sample questions that can be used during discovery interviews to gain employee perspectives.

Empathy Map Template

Use this template to develop an empathy map in order to synthesize employee thoughts, feelings, and needs.

Journey Map Template

Use this template to develop a journey map that illustrates employees' perceptions, emotions, and needs experience through a specific work process.
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