Tagged - hiring

Handbook: Equip Managers to Recruit Quality Staff

Use the participant handbook as a takeaway guide for training participants to reference during and after the Equip Managers To Recruit Quality Staff training session.

Online Workshop: Create a Talent Acquisition Strategy

Engage McLean & Company facilitators to lead your team through the Create a Talent Acquisition Strategy online workshop.

Case Studies: Increase the Efficiency of the Talent Acquisition Process

Refer to these case studies for examples of optimized talent acquisition processes.

Increase the Efficiency of the Talent Acquisition Process Storyboard

Between the high cost per hire and shortage of talent, talent acquisition specialists have to act quickly before candidates go elsewhere, but they are often unable to do...

Increase the Efficiency of the Talent Acquisition Process

Organizations are increasingly finding it difficult to acquire quality candidates efficiently. Talent acquisition specialists are overwhelmed with the quantity of...
  • guided implementation icon

TA Process Efficiency Ideas Catalog

Use this catalog to explore solutions that can increase efficiency across the entire talent acquisition process, from requisition to offer.

Social Media Sourcing Guide

Use this guide to find advice on sourcing and recruiting candidates from industry experts to improve searching and response rate.

Develop a Social Media Plan for HR Storyboard

Partnering with stakeholders will give HR the ability to promote the employer brand, leverage networks, and discover available talent on social media. Hone social media...

Social Media Primer

Use this primer for information on popular, emerging and alternative social media platforms as well as background on social media management platforms (SMMPs).

Case Studies: Develop a Social Media Plan for HR

Refer to these case studies for examples of using social media for HR.
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