Tagged - feedback

Modernize Performance Management

The traditional approach to performance management (PM), characterized by annual performance reviews and infrequent feedback, is ineffective in today’s increasingly...
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Performance Improvement Plan Template

Use this template to help managers organize the process, document the employees' action plan, and track their progress.

Strategically Develop a 360 Feedback Process

Offer employees a 360 feedback assessment to gain a holistic and valuable view of their behavior from multiple perspectives.
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Performance Management Effectiveness Scorecard

Use this tool to better understand what is and isn't working with your current performance management framework.

Individual Development Plan Template

The Individual Development Plan (IDP) is a document created for the purpose of learning and growing. When goals are formally documented, it creates accountability for the...

Feedback and Coaching Guide

Use this guide to help managers provide practical two-way feedback and effective coaching for employees.

Performance Review Template

Use this template during each check-in meeting to capture accomplishments and feedback.

Modern Performance Management Worksheet

Use this tool to work through decisions that will inform the new performance management framework.

Handbook: Equip Managers to Have Effective Performance Appraisal Discussions

Use the workbook as a guide for participants to reference during and after the Equip Managers to Have Effective Performance Appraisal Discussions training session.

Create an Inclusive Promotion Process and Policy

Use this guide to create an inclusive promotion process and policy in support of performance management.
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