Tagged - engagement

Span of Control Launch Tool

Use this tool to support the roll out of your span of control initative across targeted team/functional areas.

Span of Control Playbook

Use this tool to capture project decisions and data for this and all future iterations of your SoC optimization process.

Optimize Span of Control Executive Briefing

Use this briefing to make the case to your executives for optimizing your span of control to effectively prepare to restructure.

Optimize Span of Control

Contrary to popular belief, widening the span of control by reducing the number of managers does not always correlate to cost savings. There is no magic number when it...
  • guided implementation icon

Optimize Span of Control Storyboard

Striving to optimize span of control, or the number of direct reports assigned to a manager, is an important part of the organizational design strategy. Use this...

Employee Wellbeing Infographic

Share this one-page infographic with employees to educate them about the dimensions of employee wellbeing and what wellbeing resources are being offered by the organization.

Collaboration Ideas Catalog

Use this catalog to explore solutions that can increase collaboration across functions or departments.

Network Activation Action Plan

As part of the Activate Networks to Enable Collaboration Training Deck, complete this action plan to document tangible things that you can do to help your team members...

Personal Network Analysis Tool

Use this tool to assess the diversity of your personal network at work.

Catalyze Cross-Functional Collaboration Executive Briefing

Use this briefing to make the case for improving cross-functional collaboration.
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