Tagged - employee retention

Exit Interview Template

Use this template to gather feedback from voluntarily departing employees on the employee experience and the reasoning behind employee turnover.

Onboarding Playbook

Use this playbook to evaluate and redesign the onboarding program.

Onboarding Ideas Catalog

Use this catalog to explore onboarding initiatives that could be included in a comprehensive onboarding program.

Onboarding Guide for Managers

Use this guide to document key onboarding decisions about your new onboarding program.

Onboarding Guide for Human Resources

Use this guide to document key onboarding decisions about your new onboarding program.

New Hire Schedule Template

Use this template to create custom schedules for new hires.

Guide to Interpreting Your Exit Survey Report

Use this guide to help you interpret your Exit Survey Analysis Report from McLean & Company.

Guide to Navigating the McLean Connect Dashboard – Exit Survey

Use this guide to navigate McLean Connect's dashboard for the Exit Survey and interpret your survey results.

Exit Survey Program Workbook

Use this workbook to document key information, decisions, and progress as you work through the Exit Survey Guide.

Exit Survey Scoping Checklist

Use this template to check that all preparations are completed before launching an Employee Exit Survey.
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