Use this template in conjunction with the Knowledge Transfer Job Aid to effectively track the transition between roles.
The 9-Box Talent Grid Assessment Tool is a guide for HR and managers to evaluate employee talent profiles.
The Alternate 9-Box Talent Grid Assessment Tool is a guide for HR and managers to evaluate customized employee talent profiles.
Use this template to record your organization's succession plan.
Use this tool to determine how to facilitate a transfer of knowledge between a role incumbent and a successor of a critical role.
Use this template to assess an employee against the role profile of a critical role.
Use this tool to capture all the key components of your succession plan prior to designing it, such as your integrated talent management functions, key players, and tools.
Use this executive briefing to make the case to your executive team for designing a high-value succession planning program.
Only 45% of HR professionals report that their organization has a succession plan. Of those, only 21% reported having a formal succession plan. (SHRM, 2021). Use this...
As succession planning is a high-stakes, complex, and resource-intensive initiative, implementing it poorly can do you more harm than good. Use this blueprint to...