Tagged - cost-cutting

HR Guide for Supporting Retained Employees After a Layoff

Use this guide to identify best practices for supporting retained employees after a layoff to bolster trust, resilience, and engagement.

Manager Guide for Supporting Retained Employees After a Layoff

Use this guide to help managers understand retained employees' experience after a layoff and ways to provide support.

Post-Layoff Stay Conversation Guide

Use this tool to support managers in facilitating effective post-layoff stay conversations with their team members.

The Complete Manual for Layoffs

When the economy is negatively influenced by factors beyond any organization's control, the impact can be felt almost immediately on the bottom line. This decline in...
  • guided implementation icon

The Complete Manual for Layoffs Storyboard

When the economy is negatively influenced by factors beyond any organization’s control, the impact can be felt almost immediately on the bottom line. If layoffs are the...

The Complete Manual for Layoffs Executive Briefing

Ensure executive leadership and managers have direction on best practice tactics to effectively manage layoffs as a result of a crisis.

Sample Layoffs Policy

Use this template to craft the employee layoff policy.

Employee Layoff Selection Tool

Use this tool to determine which employees should be selected for layoff and in which order of priority.

Layoffs Communication Package

Use this template to manage communication messaging and timing throughout the employee layoff process.

Ten Ways to Connect With Your Employees During a Crisis

Use this guide to discover best practices to keep in contact with employees, teams, and the entire organization during a crisis.
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