Use this Excel calendaring tool to organize and monitor key communications throughout the organization, while accounting for any resourcing constraints and competing...
This one-page resource provides an overview of key McLean & Company communications resources that can support your HR and organizational needs.
People are increasingly accepted as the key enabling factor that creates competitive advantage for organizations, and whose capabilities decide whether organizations...
Use this briefing to make the case for a people strategy that achieves the organization's goals with limited resources.
Use this template to present the people strategy and rationale behind it to stakeholders.
Use this learning in action sheet to reinforce core concepts from the leadership identity training deck.
Use this training deck to facilitate training on leadership identity.
Download McLean & Company’s research guide and develop an authentic leadership identity that captures your unique attributes and communicates who you are as a leader.
Use this knowledge check to help assess retainment of the leadership identity training content.
Use this handbook to guide learners through leadership identity training activities.