Tagged - communication

Develop an Impactful High-Potential Program

A hi-po program identifies high-potential employees, based on an organization’s unique definition of potential and purposefully selected assessments, and provides them...
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HR Action and Communication Plan

Use this template to establish the actions and communications required to implement the project.

Training Deck: Train Managers to Master Difficult Conversations

Avoiding difficult conversations can negatively impact employees, the HR department, and the business’ bottom line. Give managers the confidence and skills they need to...

Define a Leadership Identity

Download McLean & Company’s research guide and develop an authentic leadership identity that captures your unique attributes and communicates who you are as a leader.
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Train Managers to Master Difficult Conversations

Difficult conversations are difficult for a reason and managers often evade handling them or conduct them poorly. When managers avoid discussing important issues it can...
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Craft an Internal Communications Strategy

Download our research to craft an effective internal communications strategy to enable the organization to meet its strategic goals.
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Candidate Experience Assessment Tool

Use this tool to assess which areas of the candidate experience need improvement.

Equip Managers to Conduct Effective Pay Conversations

Compensation often causes unnecessary stress and confusion between employees and managers. Support managers by providing the understanding, information, and guidance...
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Candidate Experience Service-Level Agreement Template

Draft a service-level agreement with talent acquisition specialists and hiring managers to set timelines and procedures that everyone can agree to and that keep the...

Effective Feedback in the Workplace Knowledge Check

Use this quiz after training employees and managers on effective feedback practices to assess their understanding of the content.
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