Learn what to do before, during, and after a virtual meeting to ensure it is an effective use of everyone’s time.
Use this template to establish the actions and communications required to implement the project.
HR’s involvement is essential to address various people-related challenges that accompany mergers and acquisitions. Using a checklist will help HR to ensure that key M&A...
Use this tool to evaluate the terms and conditions of both the acquiring and acquired organization, and select a target position for each term or condition.
Use this job aid to ensure that key people-related M&A planning components are adequately addressed.
Use this tool to assess various aspects of your organization's culture as well as the acquired or target organization's culture.
Sustain WFH by creating a planned, integrated, and supported program that maximizes the benefits of flexibility while supporting both organizational and employee needs.
Use this job aid to understand the benefits and challenges of WFA, assess WFA compatibility, and design a WFA option for your organization.
Use this workbook to document key information and decisions when planning for the sustained work-from-home program.
Use this catalog to ensure HR practices will support a long-term work-from-home program.