Tagged - burnout

HR Guide to Measuring Workload

Use this guide to measure workload, uncover challenges, and recommend interventions to support employees in achieving optimal workload.
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HR Guide to Measuring Workload Storyboard

The path to workload optimization starts with intentional workload measurement. The HR Guide to Measuring Workload provides HR with the information and tools to measure...

HR Guide to Measuring Workload Executive Briefing

Use this briefing to make the case for measuring workload to the executive team.

Measuring Workload Working Document

Use this working document to record key information, data, and decisions made around workload measurement and recommended interventions.

Measuring Workload Presentation Template

Use this presentation template to share workload findings and gain buy-in for the implementation of recommended interventions.

Infographic – Effectively Manage HR's work

Review this infographic for an overview of various methods that can support HR with managing their work.

Manage HR's Work Workbook

Use this tool to document and select methods for managing HR's work for the current and next year.

Executive Briefing – Effectively Manage HR’s Work

Use this briefing to make the case for implementing methods to manage HR's work.

Effectively Manage HR’s Work Guide

Use this guide to effectively manage and prioritize HR's work to ensure HR is undertaking work that supports organizational goals.

HR Ad Hoc Requests Tracker

Use this tool to capture ad hoc requests in one place as they are submitted to the HR organization.
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