Leverage the value of HR analytics solutions to prepare for the future of HR and take advantage of the advancements in the HR analytics space.
Determining which metrics will inform action and effectively measure the benefits of HR services requires a thoughtful approach.
Analytics is a powerful tool to answer business questions, explain or explore metrics, and plan for the future. Understand how to build upon metrics and data to provide...
Use this workbook to capture key information in one place throughout HR analytics agenda development.
Use this briefing to make the case to your executives to optimize business decisions across the organization with HR analytics.
Refer to these case studies for examples of HR analytics solutions.
Use this tool to understand the gaps in each HR analytics building block and to prioritize the gaps to address.
Use this one-pager learning reinforcement to summarize key points from the Data Literacy for HR Module 3 training deck.
Use this one-pager learning reinforcement to summarize key points from the Data Literacy for HR Module 1 training deck.
Data is everywhere, but its true power comes from an ability to observe trends and gain insight from it. Learning to leverage often readily available people data can help...