Tagged - benefits

Wellbeing Program Workbook

Use this tool to outline the wellbeing program plan and document the process with the project team.

Create a Holistic Employee Wellbeing Program Executive Briefing

Use this briefing to make the case to your executives to evaluate the impact of a wellbeing program on the organization and its employees.

Create a Holistic Employee Wellbeing Program Storyboard

Employee wellbeing impacts employee engagement, productivity, and talent retention and attraction. Whether the effects are positive or negative is largely determined by...

Short-Term Incentive Plan Overview Template

Use this template to share key information about the STIP structure and payouts with participants.

Create an Effective Short-Term Incentive Plan - Executive Briefing

Use this briefing to make the case for short-term incentive plans that drive employee behavior and business results.

Create an Effective Short-Term Incentive Plan Storyboard

This storyboard will guide you through the development of a clear, aligned short-term incentive plan that drives key behaviors.

Educational Leave of Absence Policy

Professional development and education opportunities are key to attracting and retaining talent. Use this template to frame your educational leave policy for your employees.

Retirement Policy

Retirement is an important transition for both the departing employee and the organization. A well-planned retirement policy will save you time and grief in the long run.

Short-Term Disability Policy

Short-term disability is an important part of a comprehensive benefit package. Use this template to provide your employees with a clear statement of the disability...

Sick Days Policy

A clear and comprehensive policy governing sick days is a key element of employee relations at any workplace. Use this template to craft a policy that fits your needs.
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