Use this tool to record a high-level plan for the STIP, experiment with STIP design, and observe impacts to estimated payouts.
Create a customized flexible work program based on the unique needs of employees to attract and retain talent.
Use this briefing to make the case for a flexible work program that provides a better work/life balance for employees.
Refer to these case studies for examples of develop a targeted flexible work program.
Use this tool to guide managers through the flexible work program.
Use this tool to document key information and decisions as you work through the Develop a Targeted Flexible Work Program research.
Use this tool to review flexible work options and create a shortlist for the feasibility assessment.
Use this guide to support the implementation of a four-day work week.
This storyboard will guide you through the development of a clear, aligned short-term incentive plan that drives key behaviors.
Use this briefing to make the case for short-term incentive plans that drive employee behavior and business results.