Tagged - assessment

Develop Core and Leadership Competencies

A comprehensive competency framework founded on core and leadership competencies is an integral part of many HR processes and programs, including performance management,...
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Create a Talent Acquisition Strategy

Talent Acquisition is being challenged to act strategically and align its approach with the organization’s talent needs.
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Conduct a Salary Assessment

Salary structure assessments help prevent and address pay inequities. Download our research to learn the critical elements of a successful salary assessment.
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Design Pre-Employment Assessments That Improve Hiring Success

Most organizations conduct at least one assessment (usually an interview). However, according to CareerBuilder, one in five survey respondents stated they lacked the...
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Strategically Develop a 360 Feedback Process

Offer employees a 360 feedback assessment to gain a holistic and valuable view of their behavior from multiple perspectives.
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Candidate Experience Assessment Tool

Use this tool to assess which areas of the candidate experience need improvement.

Interview Guide Template

The Interview Guide Template will help you plan for and execute a structured interview process.

Pre-Hire Assessment Workbook

Use this tool to identify and evaluate priority roles in order to design the appropriate pre-hire assessments for them.

Candidate Experience Service-Level Agreement Template

Draft a service-level agreement with talent acquisition specialists and hiring managers to set timelines and procedures that everyone can agree to and that keep the...

Bad Hire Cost Calculator

The Bad Hire Cost Calculator will help you determine the cost of a bad hire to your organization to help make the case for best practice interviewing training.
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